Thursday 18 June 2009

Welcome to Media Studies 2009-10!

This term you will be creating your own Music Magazine.
This will be 50% of your final AS grade.

The magazine will consist of a Front cover, contents' page, and a double-page spread article.

Four original photos must be included.

The break down of the marks is:

  • 20 marks for Planning / Blog

  • 60 marks for Production
  • 20 marks for Evaluation

You will start off by creating a school front cover magazine for practice which will constitute part of your planning mark. The evidence of your planning needs to be done in blog form.

So you need to set up your own blog and become a follower of this one. Don't forget to include a nice picture of yourself!

As the term continues it is your responsibility to update your blog with your analysis and planning.

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